Selected RBPs (up to 12):
Nothing is selected
Master protein UniProt Gene symbol Synonyms UniProt protein names Peak binding time (min) Cluster Peak broadness
P98175 RBM10 DXS8237E, GPATC9, GPATCH9, KIAA0122 RNA-binding protein 10;
G patch domain-containing protein 9;
RNA-binding motif protein 10;
RNA-binding protein S1-1
33.0 II 0.86
O15042 U2SURP KIAA0332, SR140 U2 snRNP-associated SURP motif-containing protein;
140 kDa Ser/Arg-rich domain protein;
U2-associated protein SR140
33.1 II 0.89
Q96T58 SPEN KIAA0929, MINT, SHARP Msx2-interacting protein;
SMART/HDAC1-associated repressor protein;
SPEN homolog
33.1 II 0.96
Q00610 CLTC CLH17, CLTCL2, KIAA0034 Clathrin heavy chain 1;
Clathrin heavy chain on chromosome 17
33.4 II 2.24
P52756 RBM5 H37, LUCA15 RNA-binding protein 5;
Protein G15;
Putative tumor suppressor LUCA15;
RNA-binding motif protein 5;
Renal carcinoma antigen NY-REN-9
33.5 II 0.86
Q9UPT8 ZC3H4 C19orf7, KIAA1064 Zinc finger CCCH domain-containing protein 4 33.9 II 0.95
Q16630 CPSF6 CFIM68 Cleavage and polyadenylation specificity factor subunit 6;
Cleavage and polyadenylation specificity factor 68 kDa subunit;
Cleavage factor Im complex 68 kDa subunit;
Pre-mRNA cleavage factor Im 68 kDa subunit;
Protein HPBRII-4/7
33.9 II 0.92
P0DN76 U2AF1L5 Splicing factor U2AF 35 kDa subunit-like protein;
U2 small nuclear RNA auxiliary factor 1-like protein 5
34.1 II 0.90
P07437 TUBB OK/SW-cl.56, TUBB5 Tubulin beta chain;
Tubulin beta-5 chain
34.3 II 2.42
Q15061 WDR43 KIAA0007, UTP5 WD repeat-containing protein 43;
U3 small nucleolar RNA-associated protein 5 homolog
34.7 II 1.05
O60264 SMARCA5 SNF2H, WCRF135 SWI/SNF-related matrix-associated actin-dependent regulator of chromatin subfamily A member 5;
Sucrose nonfermenting protein 2 homolog
34.8 II 1.57
P49756 RBM25 RNPC7 RNA-binding protein 25;
Arg/Glu/Asp-rich protein of 120 kDa;
Protein S164;
RNA-binding motif protein 25;
RNA-binding region-containing protein 7
34.8 II 0.89
Q9BRD0 BUD13 BUD13 homolog 34.9 II 1.58
Q92804 TAF15 RBP56, TAF2N TATA-binding protein-associated factor 2N;
68 kDa TATA-binding protein-associated factor;
RNA-binding protein 56
35.0 II 0.89
Q8IX12 CCAR1 CARP1, DIS Cell division cycle and apoptosis regulator protein 1;
Cell cycle and apoptosis regulatory protein 1;
Death inducer with SAP domain
35.1 II 1.01
Q9H2Y7 ZNF106 SH3BP3, ZFP106, ZNF474 Zinc finger protein 106;
Zinc finger protein 474
35.1 II 1.22
Q8NEY8 PPHLN1 HSPC206, HSPC232 Periphilin-1;
CDC7 expression repressor;
Gastric cancer antigen Ga50
35.3 II 0.94
Q9UHX1 PUF60 FIR, ROBPI, SIAHBP1 Poly(U)-binding-splicing factor PUF60;
60 kDa poly(U)-binding-splicing factor;
FUSE-binding protein-interacting repressor;
Ro-binding protein 1;
Siah-binding protein 1
35.4 II 1.01
Q969X6 UTP4 CIRH1A, KIAA1988, cPERP-E U3 small nucleolar RNA-associated protein 4 homolog;
UTP4 small subunit processome component
35.4 II 0.79
Q96C57 CUSTOS C12orf43 Protein CUSTOS 35.7 II 1.67